Pastor Josh introduces the book of Ruth in this mornings service by having an interactive reading of the entire book, and then discussing the historical setting in redemptive history where the story takes place — during the time of the Judges. Delving into an overview of the book of Judges in order to help make sense of the story of Ruth:
“In some parts of Scripture we are going carefully through, line by line, especially teaching sections. But here, in the histories, we are repeatedly reminded that this is all to emphasize one main point: Everyone is doing what they think is right, following their hearts, following their own inclinations; and this leads to utter disaster…We are inundated today with messages like ‘follow your heart,’ ‘do what is right for you,’ ‘Follow your truth’…The message of Judges is: don’t do what you think is right. You are a bad judge of what is right. You need a King!”