Pastor Leighton teaches from the story of the Rich Young Ruler this morning:
“Today we are looking at our passage from Mark for a second time...(T)he story of Jesus blessing the little children is tied to the story of the Rich Young Ruler…this is very purposeful, because children come in need, with nothing to offer, while the rich young ruler comes to Jesus in independence, able to meet his own needs, yet wondering if there’s more he can do? Why are children the best symbol for how we are to approach the kingdom of God? Because they are utterly dependent. God’s kingdom is received, it can not be earned or taken. Then, why is the Rich Young Ruler so well contrasted with children? Because he will not give up what he has, in order to gain the same level of dependence that they naturally have. He lacks nothing except Jesus, which means, even though he lacks nothing, he in fact, lacks everything.”