We sing a song that goes: ‘There’s no deed that can redeem us, there’s no rite nor magic word. Only by the work of Jesus can salvation be secured.’ This morning Pastor Josh shows us what Romans has to say about the rite of circumcision:
“There developed in the history of Israel a belief that circumcision, the sacred rite which was the sign of the Old Testament covenant, was all it took to be saved. We have a similar confusion in the Christian church today where some people believe that they are automatically guaranteed salvation by some rite or response. This passage in Romans refutes any thought that one gains membership into the people of God by baptism (infant or otherwise), or that any other rite of passage can grant us assurance of salvation. The New covenant counterpart to circumcision is not baptism or any other thing which can be accomplished by human choice and human hands — but circumcision of the heart, and that is accomplished only by God.”