Craig preaches from 2 Peter 1:1-11 this morning:
“What would happen if tomorrow morning you woke up and you couldn’t see? I’m guessing there would be moments of panic, there would be a scream for help, there would be a trip to the hospital, and there would be many tests to try and find a solution to your blindness. Now it is a scary though to think of waking up blind tomorrow, but it is in some ways much scarier to think of being blind and not knowing it; if you were blind but you just kept plowing forward as if nothing was wrong…The Bible presents spiritual blindness as something that you will not necessarily perceive and consequently you just keep plowing forward in life, not realizing that you are bumbling around the place, knocking over things and not accomplishing anything of true value, all of this chaos leading to eternal separation from the giver of sight…the text this morning has two purposes: (1) to encourage believers to grow up in their faith, and (2) that God might graciously expose spiritual blindness in those who think they are believers, but are still bumbling around in the dark.”