Tune in as Pastor Josh teaches from the conclusion to the book of Ruth:
“God truly provided Naomi a daughter-in-law of greater benefit to her than seven sons could ever be. Ancient Israelites thought that the ideal family consisted of seven sons, but God knew better. He understood far better what would really result in the best for Naomi. In her earlier bitter tirade against God (Ruth 1:21) Naomi thought that God was out to get her; “the Almighty has brought calamity upon me.” Little did she know that God had already given her everything she would need in order to be filled…In the dark days of the judges the foundation is laid for the line that would produce the Savior, the Messiah, the Redeemer of a lost and destitute humanity. Boaz has been a redeemer, now Obed is called a redeemer — but they both foreshadow a future Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who would come and redeem all of his people, buying them back so that they would no longer be slaves to sin…”