Romans 7:1-12

Pastor Josh continues teaching through the letter to the Romans this morning.

“The law offers both a carrot and a stick, two options: obey it completely and you will receive life and blessing; fail to adhere and you will receive the curse due to all those who rebel against the living God…It is so vital, church, that we not consider ourselves under the law, even for our sanctification…The Law revealed God’s righteous standard, but it provided none of the desire and power necessary to carry it out.  To be under the law, then, is to be under a curse…Those who are united with Christ have died to the dominion of the law, and are now enabled to do what Israel was called to do: bear fruit for God.  The promised Spirit has become a reality for those united with Christ in his death and resurrection, so that God is causing them to bear the fruit of obedience from the new heart of flesh.