Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

Pastor Josh continues his series through Ecclesiastes:

“Not only can we fall into the rut of mindless religious expression, but we can also easily fall into the mind-set that our religious rituals will somehow gain us God’s favor.  Not only is this wrong-headed, it is evil. This is an attempt to manipulate God!  It is a form of paganism or witchcraft to perform rituals for God so that He will give you what you really want in return.  If God is a means to an end as you try to gain the desires of your heart, you are a practicing pagan!  That is not the gospel.  That is not authentic Christianity… Just because you go to church and worship God does not mean you are not a fool. The fool supposes that worship, or a sacrifice or service covers up unfaithful living, but such foolish sacrifices achieve the very opposite of their intended effect; they anger God and add to the separation.  Your worship may actually be making things worse!”

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