John 17:1-5

Tune in as Pastor Josh preaches from John 17, Jesus High Priestly prayer. In response to Jesus’ request to the Father to glorify the Son, Josh says:

“‘To glorify can mean ‘to praise’ or ‘to honor’, and those are certainly ways in which we can join in glorifying our God and that is God’s purpose…but when Jesus asks the Father to glorify him, he is not asking the Father to praise or worship him, but to let the reality that the world has been blinded to be made known…God is glorious. We cannot add to that majesty through worship. His ego cannot be boosted by our devotion. It is for our ultimate good, as creatures fashioned for worship, to know the glory of the one who is most worthy of that worship. The only satisfying object of our regard.

(Originally preached on September 8, 2019)