John 16:16-33

Tune in as Pastor Josh continues to teach from the words of Jesus farewell discourse in John 16. Unfortunately the audio for the first few minutes of the sermon were lost in the archives. The transcript of the introduction is as follows:

“One of the things I love about preaching verse by verse through the Scriptures, is that this is now our fourth week learning about the work of the Holy Spirit, and we have not had to concoct a sermon series or gather a creative team to plan out what we should be learning. Rather we are tracing the words of Jesus, and he is teaching us all truth through the Word and Spirit of God. Our passage this week signals the end of the teaching sections in John.  The final words are not only the conclusion to this passage, but to the entire section: ‘I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.’

We see in this text Jesus’ love for his disciples in the way he patiently instructs them and comforts them for the sorrow about to overtake them. A temporary sorrow that will shortly break and make way for their full joy. It is my prayer this morning that you will experience this full joy as you come to understand and believe the words of Jesus as his disciples… “

(Originally preached on September 1, 2019)