John 13:18-30

Tune in as Pastor Josh teaches from John 13, Judas’ betrayal, this morning:

“Notice that Jesus here, a couple of times, makes sure that his disciples know that the calling of Judas was not an oversight or a sign of weakness on his part so that, rather than to question his knowledge and control, they (his disciples) would know that even this betrayal went according to the plan and purpose of God. Judas was chosen, but not for salvation.  He was chosen by Jesus in order to fulfill the Scripture, (Psalm 41:9), attributed to King David.  It is a mournful lament about the painful experience of being mocked by enemies and betrayed by friends when already suffering a debilitating and life-threatening illness: ‘Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.’”

(Originally preached June 23, 2019)