John 13:1-17

Tune in as Pastor Josh preaches from John 13 this morning, the account of our humble King washing the feet of his followers:

“Foot washing was a degrading task normally reserved for the lowliest of servants.  Some Jewish writers insisted that even Jewish slaves should not be required to wash the feet of others. There is no instance in either Jewish or Greco-Roman sources of a superior washing the feet of someone of lower status; it just wasn’t done. Jesus here shatters the status quo and the disciple’s sense of the fitness of things, reversing customary roles. He adopts the dress of a menial slave, dress that was looked down upon by everyone in that culture; and he engages in this astonishing self-humbling act. Not only was this an incredible display of Christ’s love for his own, but it is only a shadow of the act to come where Jesus would humble himself ‘by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.’  The matchless self-emptying love of the Son, the eternal Word, reaches its climax on the cross.”

(Originally preached on June 16, 2019)