John 12:12-19

Tune in as Pastor Josh teaches from John 12 this morning, Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, so beginning the passion narrative:

“…Jesus refused to reinforce their political and nationalist aspirations by riding on a war horse or by stirring up insurrection against the Romans.  Instead he mounts a donkey…Rome is insignificant.  Jesus could blot out Rome with the snap of his fingers.  Rome would be less than a smear if Jesus had come for that purpose….Jesus was on a higher mission; a truly improbable plan.  He would at the same time defeat the power of evil and rescue some of his evil enemies; making them part of himself, his own family….Jesus was on route to defeat for all time the very power of death, a true victory beyond comprehension.  He will rescue for himself people from all nations…The Jewish nationalists were thinking far too small.  By mounting the colt of a donkey, Jesus made a far more impressive claim than if he entered Jerusalem on a chariot with ten legions behind him…”

(Originally preached on May 26, 2019)