John 11:55-12:11

Tune in as Pastor Josh teaches us from John 11 and 12 this morning:

“In the last scene, at Lazarus’ interrupted funeral, Mary and her entourage had been a source of consternation for Jesus when rather than trusting God despite the circumstance, she gives herself over to hopeless grief, wailing and throwing herself at his feet in despair…We see a new Mary here in our text this morning.  She has now seen God’s glory; “the glory as of the only Son from the Father,” as predicted in v.1:14…Not only did she receive her dead brother back from the grave but Jesus revealed something of himself to this family and many of their friends…What is essential here is to see that Jesus is not only the object of their faith, but its source; he stewards their faith.”

(Originally preached on May 19, 2019)