Revelation 3:14-22

Tune in as Pastor Josh teaches from Revelation 3, to the Church in Laodicea:

“The last of Jesus’ seven messages to the churches, he addresses the church in Laodicea, an extremely wealthy, and self-sufficient city…The charge made against this church is that they are lukewarm; an accusation that has often been taken to mean that their zeal for Jesus had mellowed and their faith was no longer hot passion; it has cooled to lukewarm but is not quite cold yet. The problem with is interpretation is that it invents the idea that Jesus prefers a cold heart to one with at least some desire, and that in no way does this fit the context of Laodicea…Jesus is not contrasting being “on fire for” him with being “cold toward” him. Instead he is comparing the Laodicean believers to their water supply.  Cold water is a good thing; good for drinking, and hot water from the heated springs is a good thing; good for health and relaxation, but the Laodicean Christians are neither cold nor hot. They are, in fact, absolutely worthless.  They are just as offensive to Christ as their lukewarm water was to those who had to drink it…”

(Originally preached on March 4, 2018)