Revelation 10:1-11:19 (Pt 1)

Tune in to hear Pastor Josh preach from Revelation 10 and 11 this morning, teaching about the message that is both bitter and sweet:

“The message is this bittersweet scroll: we must share in the sufferings of Christ in order to share in the life of Christ. If the message that you have swallowed is semi-sweet, and lacking in bitterness, it’s not the word of God. If it’s not the sweetest thing you can imagine, and it’s not bitter…that we’ve been called to lay down this life…to lay down this life and take up our cross…if the message you’ve believed is not so sweet that you cannot imagine anything better, and if the messaage you’ve received doesn’t have this bitterness as well…it is not the word of God…”

(Originally preached on May 6, 2018. The first few seconds of the sermon was lost in the archives)