Revelation 1:9-20

“Most of the biggest mistakes in interpreting and understanding Revelation are a result of failing to read it in its historical context. Reading it as a road map of all of church history…make the book all but worthless for those to whom it was originally sent to…If I need a chart outlining the last 2000 years of church history to understand Revelation, or if I need to have a passing knowledge of modern day munitions and military superpowers, it would be nonsense to those John wrote to…”

Continuing to draw from Dr. Martin Culy’s material for his teaching, Pastor Josh adds to the list of important instructions for reading the book of Revelation:

4. We must read Revelation in light of the particular historical context to which it is addressed.

5. We must recognize that Revelation makes use of symbols and symbolic uses of numbers.

6. We need to recognize that Revelation often communicates using Old Testament language and imagery.

7. We must notice and carefully consider Revelation’s internal connections.

(Originally preached on January 14, 2018)