John 5:18-31

John 5:18-31

Listen in as Pastor Josh teaches us from John 5 this morning, explaining what it means when Jesus refers to himself as the Son of Man:

“…So Jesus is claiming to be the unique Son of Man who was granted everlasting dominion, ruling an eternal kingdom with all of the Glory of God. And at the same time as being God, who has eternal dominion, an eternal kingdom, and the worship of all peoples — He belongs to humanity! He’s born of a woman. He has walked where humans have walked. And it’s not one or the other of these, but its the combination of these features that make him uniquely qualified to judge. So Jesus will be the one who judges - but he won’t just judge as God, but he’s also human. He’s fully God, fully man. And as such he is uniquely qualified to judge us…”

(Originally preached on November 18th, 2018)

John 2:1-23

John 2:1-23

Pastor Josh teaches us this morning from John 2, the wedding at Cana and the cleansing of the temple: “The purpose of the miracle is to reveal Jesus’ glory, ‘the glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ But Jesus’ glory would be revealed in greatest measure in his cross, resurrection and exaltation, and every step along the course of his ministry was an announcement of that glory.”